Client Retention

Addiction Doesn't Have to Affect the Whole Family

Jimmy Weiss' Top Ten AMA/ACA Interventions

Jimmy pioneered the position of patient advocate/crisis intervention in 2004 while at the Betty Ford Center upon learning the AMA/ACA rate was 21-25%.  In his first year as Patient Advocate, Jimmy was able to save the Betty Ford Center $1.25 million dollars just by encouraging and motivating patients to remain in treatment with the hopes they would stay long enough to let the miracle happen.  Since being hand picked for the position by executives and higher ups, Jimmy, who became the first to emphasize the importance of keeping patients in treatment, trains drug & alcohol treatment centers across the country on how to not only speak to patients who are an AMA/ACA threat but the importance of keeping the bodies in the door to save revenue, extend revenue, and return revenue.

Contact JWI





Palm Springs, CA 92262

JWI Office: 760-902-9604

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