
Addiction Doesn't Have to Affect the Whole Family


Interventionist Jimmy Weiss spent his early childhood years in Pasadena, CA in and out of jail and juvenile hall from alcohol and drug abuse until moving to Baltimore, MD at 18 with his parents and younger sister. Shortly after, Jimmy would spend several years during the ‘80’s in a Baltimore prison before coming back to California to attend treatment at ABC Recovery in 1998.  In 2004, not too long after taking a chance by applying at the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, CA, Jimmy would get a job on the night shift and re-kindle his relationship with his family and 13-year-old daughter, Ambra.  A short 3 years later, Jimmy would be hand-picked to head the position of Patient Advocate using his unique skill set to encourage and motivate clients to remain in treatment. Since the time of its inception, the concept of client advocacy has been incorporated in countless treatment centers across the country. 

During his 20+ year career working at treatment centers, Jimmy has always used the opportunity to intervene on families by educating them on setting boundaries with their loved one in treatment.  In 2020 with the outbreak of Covid, Jimmy would step down from his role as patient advocate and open Weiss Interventions to focus solely on educating families on addiction and using tough love when necessary to live without blaming themselves for their loved one’s addiction.  Jimmy leans on his personal experiences and consequences from his own addiction including the strain put on his parents and sister to help families bring the bottom to the addict instead of waiting for the addict to reach bottom on their own when the addiction has become too stressful and too overwhelming for families.  Jimmy is well liked and highly respected across the nation for helping hundreds of families across the country providing them the tools and long-term guidance necessary to set boundaries during and after the intervention process and brings a wealth of knowledge to the recovery community both personally and professionally as an interventionist.   

Get In Touch





Palm Springs, CA 92262

JWI Office: 760-902-9604

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