About Jimmy Weiss Interventions & Family Support Services, LLC

Addiction Doesn't Have to Affect the Whole Family

JWI: From the Beginning

After leaving Baltimore in 1998 to return to his home state of California for treatment closer to family at the ABC Recovery Center in Indio, Interventionist Jimmy Weiss began working at the Betty Ford Center.  In his first three years, Jimmy became a force of nature who was so impactful on the staff and patients that his reputation reached all the way from Rancho Mirage, CA to Washington DC and former first lady Betty Ford.  Soon after, Jimmy was tasked with the duty of implementing and running the Patient Advocate Department at the Betty Ford Center to ensure patients not only stayed in treatment, but families were aware of the consequences of their loved ones leaving treatment before staff deemed them ready.  For the next 20 years, Jimmy Weiss became the most successful individual at this endeavor receiving accolades and awards throughout the nation.

When Covid-19 hit in 2019, Jimmy who is high risk, made the difficult decision to end his 20-year career working in the drug & alcohol treatment industry to pursue other opportunities.  Due to his expertise in knowing exactly what both the families and addicts are thinking, Jimmy switched focuses to a career centered around educating families on their part in the addict continuing their addiction instead of getting the help they need and thus began, Weiss Interventions, Inc in 2020.   For the first year, Jimmy used his experience, strength, and hope and in true Jimmy Weiss fashion became the most successful interventionists in the industry.  However, in 2021, Jimmy made the difficult decision to take time off to focus on raising his 6-year-old son, Joshua.

In 2022, Jimmy came back with a new purpose, a new brand, and a new logo and thus began Jimmy Weiss Interventions & Family Support Services.  This time, Jimmy expanded his focus by adding other areas not just interventions including Client Retention. Family Support, and Case Management.  Jimmy uses his experience and knowledge from his own recovery as well as working at the Betty Ford Center and Northbound to train facilities as well as staff personnel, educate families and guide new addicts in their first year of recovery after leaving treatment.

 Jimmy is well liked and highly respected for his ability to listen and speak calmly at the same level as clients and families to understand where they are coming from and what they are thinking.  His work has evolved into a highly successful career helping hundreds of families and clients across the country providing them the tools and long-term guidance necessary to set boundaries during and after the intervention process.

Get In Touch





Palm Springs, CA 92262

JWI Office: 760-902-9604

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